Sunday, July 31, 2016

The C Word – A New Battle Day 11 - Turning a corner

1/30/17  noticed this was still in draft form....This morning, at 6:00AM, George woke me up to use the urinal.  I’m not sure how many times I got up to do this in the middle of the night.  I have learned to do this with as minimal effort as possible so I don’t fully wake up and can go right back to sleep.  At this moment, George said, if you’re up to it, you can take me to the bathroom and I can do more, and you can give me a sponge bath to clean me up a bit.  I am sure my eyes probably rolled a little bit as I thought, “It’s only 6AM!”  I did speak up and say, if you can wait a little while, I’d rather not do that right now because then I will fully wake up – and I’m not ready to do that.  How about one more sleep?”  I chuckled to myself and said, “You know when the kids are little and looking forward to something you tell them, “just 4 more sleeps(nights)” but in my case I just need a little more sleep and then I’ll be ready.” 
About an hour later we were “up and at ‘em”.  Got George into the bathroom and while he sat on the toilet I did a light sponge bath, washed his face, let him brush his teeth.  Then we put on a clean gown and actually took a stroll around the “short block” (half way down the hall is a passage between the two side of the floor, so we went through the passage and back towards the room).  George then sat up in his chair for a bit as well. 
Once back in bed he asked to get an Ativan because he was so tired.  He was complaining of having hallucinations and waking up startled.  Not sure the cause of that – whether drug induced or chemically (anemic) induced.  It took about two hours for him to stop jerking and twitching and he fell into a deep sleep.  Slept pretty good for nearly six hours (aside from two potty breaks but he doesn’t have to get out of bed for those cuz Nurse Dawn is to the rescue)!  He has hardly touched his PCA (personal pain management) today.  He says “well, when I don’t move it doesn’t hurt so I don’t push it”.  I told him that all week he has been laying in bed and I would see him reach over and push the PCA button – so in that regard the only thing that has changed is your need to push the button!  So that was a good thing as well.
We heard from his nurse late in the morning that the on-call surgeon had stopped in upstairs and told them the changes that would take place today – but he did not have time to visit George because he got called back to surgery.  It was nearly 5PM by the time he stopped by the room.  Here are the changes that were made today (1) Cap off the G-Tube (YIPPEE, NO MORE GREEN GOO LEAKS!), (2) food by mouth! George could pick his starting point and opted for the full liquid to start reintroducing foods to the belly, (3) vitals every 8 hours instead of 4 during the night to allow for sleep.  [He thinks the hallucinations were due to lack of sleep and believes that George keeps slipping right into REM sleep and wakes up in REM sleep so he is skipping the other sleep cycles – thus, need to allow for more uninterrupted sleep.), (4) bandage removed from over the sutures to allow them to air dry, (4) cut back on IV fluids (to reduce the amount of times he has to pee - - he has been urinating up to 6 times PER SHIFT with 1300-1500cc’s  output during the shift.   (5) Ativan at night to sleep more soundly, at least for a day or two.
George started slow – some sips of ice water, ¼ cup of milk and small container of sherbet.  He now has his Ativan and is fast asleep.  I will follow suit shortly myself so I can do some catching up as well.  He said tonight that he actually felt better like he was starting to get his energy back. 
I was surprised that the diet was ramped up so quickly and was prepared for the tube feeding to start back up.  Hoping the TPN can stop or reduce soon because that I think is the biggest source for the urine output (it is like a gallon of fluid pumped in over a 24 hour period).
So it finally feels like we have turned a corner and I pray, really pray, that there are not setbacks.  If we can continue on this course then we might be able to go home mid to late week.  Dr. Bastidas will be back on duty tomorrow to reassess and since there has been positive progress over the weekend may actually start to consider speculation for what the rest of the week will look like.
Time for beddy bye.  I can feel my eyes closing and am not even going to try to keep them open much longer.  Good night one and all – the Haskins are out for the count - - -for as much as is possible given current conditions. 

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