Monday, July 4, 2016

The “C” Word - The Next Chapter, Day 10 - Freedom

Definition for freedom:

1.         The state of being free or at liberty rather than in confinement or under physical restraint: He won his freedom after a retrial.
2.         Exemption from external control, interference, regulation, etc.
3.         The power to determine action without restraint.
4.         Political or national independence.
5.         Personal liberty, as opposed to bondage or slavery: a slave who bought his freedom.

Today is the 4th of July – known as Independence Day.  This day was set aside in the U.S. to observe the freedoms that came from being independent of another nation.  It was a hard fought battle for us to get to that point.
It continues to be a battle, more so in recent years as there are almost daily attacks on our freedom around the globe and, unfortunately, also on our own turf.  We continue to fight for the freedoms such as religious, speech, and so on. 
Another definition of freedom is defined as “personal liberty”.  I could translate that as “freedom of responsibility”.  This was the case for me when Mom was recently moved to a memory care facility.  I cannot express what it felt for me to be free of the responsibility of caring for her on a daily basis.  The relief was instantaneous.  The burden of care lifted from that “simple” act felt as if tons of weight had been lifted from my shoulders.  Co-workers and clients noticed that I acted differently (something I was not even aware of).  Sometimes having responsibilities shifting to another can be freeing!
Yet another definition of freedom is “exemption from external control, interference….”  That is what we are personally striving for when it comes to the cancer.  We want a body free from this horrible, external force that can be, at times, so debilitating that we cannot enjoy the other freedoms mentioned above.  When every waking moment is spent internally battling the forces raging inside you cannot enjoy life itself.  Every twinge, every ache, every movement makes you wonder “Is it back?”, “Is it growing?” followed by “Will I ever feel decent again?” or “Will there ever be a day I don’t think about this?”  It tends to reign supreme over every other piece of life itself.  While we are envious of those who are NED (No Evidence of Disease), I am sure even those people are still looking over their shoulder wondering if or when it may come back. 
For every victory of freedom a hard fought battle has taken place.  No one gets to the point of victory without first going through pain, loss or hardship.  Those moments make the victory taste sweeter for, as we know, it takes the valleys of our lives to make the mountain tops feel so beautiful. 
We are currently in the valley of this cancerous journey.  The bad days are more frequent than the good days.  With surgery pending, this is going to be a long hike through the valley.  There will be moments of happy times and glimpses of the sun as we take this journey once again.  We plan on fighting as hard as we can.  With our God watching over us, we pray for healing.  We pray that someday soon George can say, “I am free!  Free at last!” of this dead disease. This would be the consummate freedom for us to have here on earth.  To be free from disease so we can get back to the process of living life to the Glory of our God

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