Friday, August 19, 2016

The C Word – A New Battle Day 30 - One Month!!??**

Wow, it’s been 30 days since surgery.  Sometimes it feels like it was a lifetime ago.  Sometimes it feels as though it was just last week.  Time just passes by without us noticing it.
Today we went to lunch with some of George’s co-workers.  It was a good chance for him to catch up with people he hasn’t seen in quite some time.  It was a safe way to introduce George back into the world of eating out.  We went to Olive Garden and their soup/salad/breadstick combination is a good choice for both of us to eat.  We were there for nearly an hour and a half and he did really well.
This evening we did a longer walk than usual.  I reminded George last night that 30 days out from his first surgery he could not even walk half that distance.  I know things are different this time around – the last time he was heavily affected by multiple abscesses and fluid around the lungs.  That makes a huge difference.  But… progress is progress!
We found out from the pharmacist today that Dr. M has requested that the PICC line stay in for two more weeks.  I think I know the reason for this.  Tonight is our last dosage of the IV antibiotic meds (Merren).  This med was to treat one of the two infections that they diagnosed in the hospital.  Dr. M really preferred that we did not have to use two antibiotics as the Vancomycin works best by itself.  For the next week or so we will take only the Vancomycin.  I imagine more labs will be drawn over the next two weeks in order for him to see if this entire treatment series has been effective.  If it is, then the PICC line can come out.  If it is not and we have to re-introduce the Merren, then the PICC line is available. (The Merren is only available in IV form.)  So Dr. M is playing this safe.
We still haven’t heard about a CT being scheduled.  I just hope things do not happen last minute as I have scheduled things all day on Monday (work and a massage), and I have scheduled meetings on Tuesday morning.  We see Dr. B on Tuesday afternoon and, if we have not yet heard about a CT scan, he will fast track that and would most likely have that towards the end of next week. 
This week there have been several issues with George’s mom.  His sister has been dealing with all of that.  On Tuesday she had a seizure.  After a trip to the ER and lots of tests, they determined she did not have a stroke or an aneurysm.  She was acting “herself” soon after.  They did recommend she be started on anti-seizure medication.  Today as we got home we got another call from Rosemary saying that as she arrived at the facility there was an ambulance and fire engine and that they were there for mom.  Apparently the staff had difficulty getting her out of her chair and she was complaining that her back or hip hurt.  They called the nurse who told them to call an ambulance.  Rosemary was a bit peeved as this was not an emergency call.  After some back and forth between the emergency personnel, the staff and Rosemary they determined that Rosemary would try to take her to the ER.  However, it proved difficult for mom to bend her knees so the ambulance did do the transport.  We just spoke with Rosemary and all the labs are good (again), they see no reason for what was causing the issue (again).  They were awaiting the last test (an ultrasound I believe).  It is looking as though two ER trips are finding absolutely no justifiable cause for whatever is going on with mom this week.  Frustrating and puzzling. 
As we close out this first month of our new battle, we are grateful for the physical progress that has happened thus far.  There is still a road ahead… and we have not even begun to really process and deal with the underlying issues of the cancer.  This first part of the journey, the surgery recovery, has proven to be exhausting on many levels.  I look forward to being able to ease up a bit as medications start to go away for the time being. I think it will be good to catch my breath and try to be able to re-focus on other things for a bit of time.  Catching up on my sleep will definitely aid that process. 
30 days – 4 weeks – 1 month… behind us. 

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