Tuesday, August 16, 2016

The C Word – A New Battle Day 27 - Shaky Day

George sometimes has what he calls “shaky days”.  I usually have to ask what is going on as the issue could be emotional or physical.  Or a combination of both.  Today I think it was physical.  He was very tired even after sleeping through from 11:30 to 7:00 this morning, not even needing to get up for a bathroom break.  And he had fallen asleep in the few hours before 11:30 as well.
We didn’t take our morning walk because he was experiencing light-headedness.  I had discussed taking him to his barber shop for a haircut and we did go there, but he had two bouts of light-headedness in that short period of time.  Not sure what is causing this. 
I did send a text message update to Dr. B this morning including photos of the drainage from the pigtail drain so he could make an assessment from his end.  Dr. B phoned late in the day to go over how things are going.  I think he will be scheduling a CT scan for Thursday and said something about removing the pigtail drain on Friday.  But he had to go home and check George’s hospital records because he couldn’t recall when the last CT scan was and exactly what the findings were.  We should be hearing from him tomorrow about what he would like to do this week.  In the back of my mind I am trying to figure out what Friday will now look like since we already have plans (me to work and then both of us to have lunch with some work buddies).  Will see how this plays out since we did say Dr. Majumder wanted to see the CT test results as well. 
He was surprised to hear that George is eating 1000-1200 calories a day already.  We said that George took what he said on Friday as a challenge and has been working on that.  He seemed pleased overall with the progress and assured George that being tired and sleepy is quite normal even this many weeks out from surgery.  He suggested we monitor George’s blood pressure a couple of times a day to see if a drop in BP is causing the light-headedness. (On the “good” side, when I checked George’s BP I also did mine and was pleased that it was doing okay as well.  I struggle with BP even on meds and considering all the stress I’ve been under was glad that it appeared to be doing okay!)
Today I had a lot of pain in my upper shoulder/neck and have tried various things to get it to loosen up.  I’d hoped I could get a massage in on Thursday but the next opening available for the time I wanted is on Monday…. And, since it looks like there may be a CT scan on Thursday, I guess God knew I would be busy! 
Other than that, it was a typical laid back day.  I am still feeling quite tired and I think I dozed off once or twice today.  Although we did not walk this morning, George walked a little bit farther than usual to make up for it when we did our evening walk. As the day went on, George had started to feel less shaky.  Had a nice visit from a neighbor friend this evening and now George is “hooked up” to the feeding tube for the night. 
I am thinking about cutting back on journaling and maybe post every other day or so as there is not a lot going that’s new or unusual. 

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