Friday, November 7, 2014

The “C” Word – Day 91 Hallelujah Day!

First, let me tell you about the longest night.  We were so tired yesterday so decided that perhaps we could get George to turn in a little early so he could get a few hours uninterrupted sleep.  At 8:30 we had his bedtime meds administered and he climbed into bed.  I pulled my bed out and my computer to get a few things done.  I could hear that George had fallen asleep.
At 9:20 the CNA came in and drained the abscess fluid.  No sooner had she gone from the room and the nurse came in to flush the drain lines.  At 10:30 the pulmonary specialist showed up for the 5 minute nebulizer treatment.  At 12:10 the new nurse on duty came in for vital signs.  At 1:30 the CNA came in to empty the drain and 2:30 the nurse to flush the lines.  More vital signs at 3:30 AM and at 4:20 he phlebotomist showed up for lab work!  At 5:40 the nurse came in to drain the abscess bag and while she was finishing up the surgeon showed up.  Of course when each of those people came in the room the lights had to be turned on!  Each time I cursed under my breath, “seriously?  How is anyone supposed to rest!?!?”
The surgeon reported that he had not seen test results yet from the abscess drains.  They have to make cultures so they know what antibiotic will kill it.  He said that the abscess was quite massive and he was surprised that George was not running a continual fever and in a lot of pain.  (Again, no symptoms!)  He made a comment that the plan was to get us home “this weekend”.  Ugh!
The pulmonary specialist came in and described what had to be done with the culture and testing, etc.  He explained that it could take up to 24 hours to figure out what the infection was and another 24 hours before they determined what would work best for it.  That puts our stay up through possibly Saturday.  He explained that the pulmonary function test he ordered up could wait until next week to give the belly a chance to heal so they could get a good test.  He did not feel that a plasma exchange would be necessary based on the fact that the high blood levels were in direct correlation to the abscess.
George felt comfortable with all of the news and was no longer feeling reluctant about staying.
We ordered up some breakfast – bacon and rice krispies.  George took a bite of the bacon and started crying… tears of joy and praise.  The bacon tasted like bacon!  Hallelujah!  Taste buds are returning.  The day went quickly uphill from there!  While his breathing is not quite normal yet, it is returning.  He was able to speak today without being labored, without coughing.  And we had several visitors who spent a great deal of time talking with him.  And he did it all with a smile, with energy, with wit and without great effort on the lungs.  He ate three small meals today which had more calories than he has had on a daily basis in quite some time.
So we have a plan.  Once they determine what antibiotic will work, put in some sort of oral form and start taking it.  They should then be able to remove he drains and let the antibiotic do its’ thing.  And then we should be able to go home.  The time is unknown, but there is a plan.  It was a great day today!  Hallelujah!!

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