Saturday, August 25, 2018

The C Word – R is for Rest – Recovery – Respite – Resolve

It has been four weeks since George’s last treatment. 
R is for Rest – George still has very little energy and spends much time resting in his recliner or relaxing in bed.  It’s not quite the same fatigue he had during chemo, but it is still there.  Some days he literally opens his eyes for only about 5 hours.  And other days, like today, he has been awake and watching TV and reading on his iPad and even enjoying dinner out with some friends this evening.
R is for Recovery – His body is in need of recuperating from the poison injected in his system for eight weeks.  I am happy to report that his appetite has increased some, though is still on the low side as has been the case for the past year or so.  His mouth sores are gone.  His taste buds are reawakening.  He is gaining back a little bit of the weight he lost. Although his blood counts were low at his last doctor appointment, those numbers should now be recovering as well since we are past the 3 week mark.  This means that he is able to go out more and he is looking forward to going back to church in another week.  We do not know how long it will take to get to pre-chemo status but are hoping it is less than the 3 months people tell us about since he did not get a full six month regimen of chemo.
R is for Respite – Sort of going back to more normal.  And, for me, feeling that I can take time away from home and enjoy doing things with others.  Having George’s immune system on the mend means that I can also be out amidst larger groups of people.  I even plan on going overnight to visit my daughter in Roseville.  It’s been over two months since I’ve been away from home for an overnight anywhere.
R is for Resolve – We have resolved that we want to improve George’s quality of life in order to enjoy whatever time he has left here.  Again, we don’t know exactly how to make that happen, but it is a goal.  Life beyond the recliner!  Due to the pulmonary embolism (PE) and blood clot, we can’t fly anywhere for six months – but hopefully will get to a point where we can do day trips or two to three day trips. 
We likely won’t have any additional news for the next few months – unless something happens to warrant our undivided attention.  For now we relish the fact that there are fewer doctor appointments, fewer days of exhaustion and more time to be together.

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