Tuesday, December 30, 2014

The “C” Word – Day 144 and Day 145 Where has the time gone

Today, December 30th, marks 90 days since surgery for George.  I have to say that the first 60 days post-op were probably the hardest.  Between not having appetite or no “taste buds” and not being able to breathe to developing abscesses and having no energy there have indeed been moments that we thought things would never get better.
In the past week or two there have been notable changes for the better in George’s recovery.  He is now able to walk a bit further, stay awake notably longer, drive and get out of the house some.  Where six weeks ago he could maybe only walk to the corner of the street and back he is now able to walk all the way around the block (1/2 mile) and then some.  He has walked around stores or parts of our local mall.  In the beginning this little bit of effort resulted in a two-hour nap.  Now, he can do them and though tired he is not napping as often. 
Over Christmas weekend he was able to enjoy time with his grandchildren, even able to gingerly chase them around a little bit or give them “chigger bites” (loving tickles) which they thoroughly enjoy.  They enjoyed trying to dodge his attempts at chasing them down. 
For a few nights this week he has even managed to stay in bed all night without having to resort to his recliner.  (This also enabled me to sleep better as I was not woken up when he left the room!)  Today we enjoyed a movie out – and although it was difficult for him to be comfortable in the theatre seat he did manage to hang in there for the duration of the movie. 
Although he is using the restroom less, there are still some problems going on internally.  We haven’t found the “magic” potion that will take care of that.  The surgeon said it will take a long time for his small intestine to figure out how to do the job of the large one.  It could be a full year before things are settled with his new body.
Tomorrow (Day 145 and New Years Eve Day) we will take time to have fun with some friends of ours.  Every year we have an early dinner with a special couple and then watch a movie.  We used to go out to a movie but last year we had to be home to take care of Mom – and this year, although we thought we would have to do that again, Mom is not home.  However, due to other health issues we will watch a movie in the comfort of a home.  We are almost always home by 10PM where we might stay awake long enough to watch the ball drop at midnight – but we do not fret if we fall asleep by 11!
We will ruminate over what has transpired over the past year – and pray that 2015 brings better health not only to us but to those around us.  While we pray that we never have to endure another surgery for the PMP, the reality is that there is the possibility of having to repeat this process somewhere down the road. 
My personal prayer is that we are able to push any fear for the future out of the way and make the most of each and every day that God gives us.  We still have trips to make and grandkids to watch grow up.  For the most part it looks like George’s health will improve and he can resume some of the projects that he has planned for around the house as well as having some fun out in “man land” where he can make some great things out of wood.  We seem to have been given a chance to “live life to the fullest” – and I hope we are able to take advantage of that. 
This year has been an incredible wakeup call about the fragile balance of human life.  We went from utter despair to cautious hopefulness and now appear to be on the cusp of things looking brighter than we had expected.  We sing praises for this.  We are grateful to those who have surrounded us with love, support and prayers – sometimes in the most unexpected times and places and from people we have never met. 
Hopefully we are listening for what God has planned for us.  We know that He is capable of doing much.  We have some ideas for what we want to have happen in 2015 and hope that they all play out the way we would like them to – but we also know that God has his own schedule and sometimes it is not exactly the same as ours.  We will make no resolutions that are different from what we already do as I believe we already try to “do better” no matter what time of year it is. 
So here’s to a better year in 2015.  Happy New Year – to George – and to me!  Praise God we still have each other!!

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